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Category: Python
bash or Python ?

I'm looking for opinions here.

Which would you suggest I learn first – BASH or Python? I have been flip-flopping on this for a long time now.

I'm wondering which I should dive into and learn first, BASH (shell programming + AWK & sed) or start with Python? I have no urgent need in my job to learn either or any programming. This is purely out of self interest.

A bit of history – I started with computers back in high school with a VIC20/C64 and programmed a lot in BASIC – the ONLY programming language I have had any real experience with. I loved it. For the past 10 years i have been running a computer networking within a public library and not had much call for any kind of programming other than HTML and hacking up someone else's Perl code (of which I know nothing)...

I run Linux and of course windows is everywhere.

The practical part of my brain...
tells me it would be a good thing to sit down and learn BASH. Seems every network admin knows and relies on shell and its tools. I haven't had to do much messing with this in the past 10 years. I run debian. :) I have noticed people who work on shell scripts really never sat down and learned it – it came from already understanding another programming language.

The nostalgic part of my brain...
is excited at the thought of learning something that not only has some sys admin value, but also the idea of a possibility of learning through simple game programming (from my BASIC C64 days) that some “teach yourself python” books is an attention-getter for me. And of course the promise of Python being easy to learn and and understand a good place to start.

So I have no “need” in my job right now for either or any programming. I just occationally edit text files that other programs use. Learning bash or python is only out of interest and to maybe one day to benefit me in work.

Which would you suggest I learn first – BASH or Python? I have been flip-flopping on this for a long time now.


Seems every network admin knows and relies on shell and its tools.
Python has plenty of utilization as a sysadmin tool and can be used as a replacement for bash although for very simple tasks bash is still easier.

I have noticed people who work on shell scripts really never sat down and learned it – it came from already understanding another programming language.
Yes, sometimes I use a bit of bash and never sat down to learn it.

is excited at the thought of learning something that not only has some sys admin value, but also the idea of a possibility of learning through simple game programming (from my BASIC C64 days) that some “teach yourself python” books is an attention-getter for me. And of course the promise of Python being easy to learn and and understand a good place to start.
Python is said to be fun to learn and use.

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