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Category: Python
dictionary values with unlimited data?

I'm trying to make a simple phone book program. I'm using one dictionary value called 'contact' to hold all the names and numbers that are entered.

How do i make this variable grow as the user imputs data without erasing the old?


def add_contact():
name_list = raw_input('add a name to contacts \n')
num_list = raw_input('add a number\n')

contact = {name_list: num_list}
print name_list,'(', num_list, ') has been added'

def edit_file(phone_book):
print ''

def menue():
print ' What would you like to do? '
print '1. Edit phone book\n2. Add names'
x = raw_input()
if int(x) == 1:



to add to a dictionary:

contact[name] = num

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