Helpful Information
Category: Web Design and HTML
[INFO]Publishing page with Cool Page

A user was haveing a problem publishing thier pages with Cool Page ( I downloaded it and was able to publish a page useing the following process and settings. You click on the Publish button which gives you the Publish Your Page To Internet dialouge box.

1) Under Choose Host select Other host in drop down menu.
2) Enter your domain in FTP site. i.e.
3) Enter var/www/html for Folder. (Note if you are uploading the page to a different directory change the folder path to that.)
4) Under Enter Member Name and Password for your Other host PAID account enter in Name: "".
5) Enter your password in Password box.
6) Hit the Publish Page and the page and files will be uploaded to your server.

I would imagin that the part of the process that was holding things up for the person was the Member Name or Name entry. It must hold the "" to work and not just the username. Also you don't need the double quotes in the Name. Had to do that to keep the forum from turning it into a hyper link.

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