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Category: Comments / Suggestions
3 weeks since my order but nothing comes


I ordered you a dedicated server plan on last sept 8th.
At this time I still have no server available, no news from admins or technicians, and no information at all.

Is it usual ?

Best regards

It's usually done in 24 hours.

I suggest you contact sales or support directly.


Thanks for your post. I understand that after accessing your server, you noted problems which are being worked on, and that you have been given information and a timeline for resolution. Is this not the case?

If you have questions or concerns, you should reply to your original ticket, call us or chat live. Please understand that multiple posts in the forums and numerous e-mails and tickets do not help to expedite or resolve your issue. They only draw more resources away from other clients and projects.

That said, please contact me if you are not satisfied with the information you have been given thus far.

Best regards,

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