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Category: Forum Information
Forum Hacks Information - READ!

Below please find all of the hacks we have implemented to the forums. Should you have ANY questions I invite you to follow the link for each one of the hacks for a more detailed explaination. As new hacks are added to the forums, a brief description will be added here.

Board Spent Time in Memberlist
This one adds a column to Memberlist page to show time spend in the forums.
Here is the original link to the vBulletin site where they have post more information about this hack.

Create custom dropdown menu in top section of the forums
Registered users can have their own custom menu top of the forums. Users can customize this menu using BBCODE. To create a new menu or to change the existing menu, go to
USER CP – Edit Options – Go to the section “Thread Display Options”
– Change the field “My Links”

Sample BBCode for a menu:
Seo Chat (
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

Display Reputation Power in postbit
This hack will display user's reputation power in postbit and Member info page.
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

Dynamic Forum Announcements
This hack allows you to post dynamic announcements (changing according to different conditions) on forum home page. Control panel is provided in VB administrator section to change the content for the announcement. This is not a popup window, announcement will display on top of forums homepage. In this hack there is a function to display a another layer top of the home page which look more like a pop up window. But we are not using that in our forums.
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

Glowing Usernames
This one glows user name for selected user categories. Currently it is set to Admins / Moderators.
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

Information Bar for Guests
This will display an information bar across the top of the browser window that appears to be like the Information Bar that is from Windows XP SP2 only for unregistered users. When the user clicks it they will be sent to the registration page. This is not a popup window.
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

Latest Threads on Forum Home
Display the latest X threads on your forum home page. Permissions are done automatically so forums users can't view will be excluded. Includes thread icon/goto new post image (if the thread is unread), title, last post info, number of views and replies. This will not display any of the new post made by RSS News Feeds.
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

Logout bug
This is a bug fix for logout hack in vBulletin. To be more specific, when someone tries to log out from the forum, VB shows this message:
An error occurred while attempting to log you out. Click here to log out
This fix will allow users to logout from one click instead they have to click twice.
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

Post Count hack
This one will display an image related to their number of posts counts in postbit and member info page. The Levels are given as follows:

Level Number of posts
Dev Shed Newbie 0 - 499
Dev Shed Novice 500 - 999
Dev Shed Beginner 1000 - 1499
Dev Shed Intermediate 1500 – 1999
Dev Shed Regular 2000 – 2499
Dev Shed Frequenter 2500 – 2999
Dev Shed Loyal 3000 – 3499
Dev Shed Expert 3500 – 3999
Dev Shed Specialist 4000 – 4499
Dev Shed Demi_God 4500 – 4999
Dev Shed God 5000 – 5499
Dev Shed God 1st Plane 5500 – 5999
Dev Shed God 2nd Plane 6000 - 6499
.. ..
.. ..
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

Reputation click tracker
Adds a box to the User CP showing a user how many reputation clicks he has given in the last 24 hours, and how many more he can give, and it also shows this information in a small graphs.
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

RSS News Feeds
This one posts new threads from latest news updates hourly. Currently we have set it to grab the latest news from Technology, Business and Science categories.
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

This will display a shout box bottom of the forums homepage allowing people to post short messages. Currently shoutbox post permissions set to Admins, Moderators and Contributing User categories. All the other user categories can view the shouts, but they cannot post.
Here is the original link to vBulletin site where they have posted more information about this hack.

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