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AppleScript Help

I have a script for Transmit and it works fine except after the synchronization is done there is a sheet or whatever you call it comes down with a message. You have to hit "OK" to proceed. This means my script gets an error when it tries to quit Transmit. Can anyone help me find out what to do in the script to say "OK"?

-- Transmit AppleScript Synchronization Example
-- Wade Cosgrove
-- Shows how to AppleScript a simple synchronization

tell application "Transmit"

-- Create a new session window for the script
make new document at before front document

-- send commands to the frontmost document window
tell document 1

if (connect to "" as user "" with password ") then

--Set your stuff listing to "Sites" folder
if (set your stuff to "/Users/Elliott/Desktop/xml") then

if (set their stuff to "/htdocs/www/xml") then

Begin synchronizing modified remote files with local files

Can specify the direction and method Transmit uses for synchronizing.
Direction can be: upload files / download files
Method can be: update / mirror

synchronize direction download files method update with time offset 0
display dialog ("An error occured, could not change remote folder to www")
end if

display dialog ("An error occured, could not change local folder to Sites")
end if

end if

end tell

end tell
tell application "Transmit"
quit saving "no"
end tell

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