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Category: Ruby Programming

Hi, I've just been browsing to learn more about php frameworks and my interest sidetracked to ruby and since i already heard so much good of it and it's framework ruby on rails.

But is this a good time to go for ruby? Because i see only two threads in the ruby section and i heard not many hosts support ruby.

If you are using it; what are your experiences? And what would you say are the cons and pros of switching from php to ruby?


Yes, looking at this web forum, you'd think it was non-existent! I have had a hard time finding ROR information and help, but finally found a GREAT forum, if you're interested, where there are a ton of Ruby and Rails users with all sorts of opinions on the state of ROR and where it's headed, not to mention all kids of programming questions and answers:

I was an avid PHP programmer, and when I switched to ROR, it was quite a learning curve. However, once you learn to do things the "Rails Way", it is actually a lot more intuitive than using PHP, in my humble opinion.

Good luck!

For what it is worth, ruby is a programming language and ruby on rails is a framework designed to make the job of programming web pages (especially dynamic ones) a lot easier. There are frameworks written in other languages as well, for instance, Catalyst for perl, Django for Python.

The nice thing about rails is that the framework really makes rapid development easy. As for a list of hosts that support rails for now, please see:

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