Helpful Information
Category: CGI Scripts / Perl
Be careful! Search.cgi now traverses a lot of directories

Search.cgi now traverses a lot of new directories created for Westhost 2.0.

Either include the entries in "" as the "exclusion list" or better (at least for me that I don't need to traverse any subdirectory) delete the following lines of search.cgi:

# CASE 3) File is a directory so traverse down it.
# if (-d $fullpath) {
# if (-r $fullpath && -x $fullpath) {
# $cur_dir++;
# $dirs[$cur_dir] = $fullpath;
# opendir("DIR$cur_dir", $dirs[$cur_dir]);
# next;
# } else {
# # Since the dir does not have r or x perms we go on
# next;
# }
# } # End of Case 3 (File is directory


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