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Category: Other Programming Languages
Should we have a 'resources' thread for various languages?

As with all fora, many of the questions asked here come up repeatedly, and often can be answered with a few links. In the language-specific boards at Dev Shed, there are sticky information threads that have links to download pages, tools, tutorials, and other resources; but for this 'catch-all' board, there aren't any. While such threads would be useful, having one for each language would quickly fill the top of the board with nothing but language-related stickies.

Perhaps we should have a thread that has postings for some of the more commonly mentioned languages here, such as Ruby, Scheme, Ada, and x86 assembly language. This would give the new readers a place to look up basic information, without overly cluttering the message board. Any thoughts?

Sounds good to me.

First resource you'll want for ruby is a book, Programming Ruby. Get it in paper, it's much more usable, and ruby is so poorly documented, frankly, you need the book. link ( Oh and it's a good read too

Good idea.

Here's one (

Schol-R-Lea: can you repost the list of links you gave here ( into that thread?

LP: same with your ruby post.


Done/ ( As a matter of fact, it was precisely because of that posting that I thought of that; it occurred to me that all the work I'd done for that posting would end up buried in the forum, and that it would make a lot of sense to have it available for future reference. I also added some minor links (mostly to Google searches) for non-x86 CPUs and virtual machine systems.

I initially forgot that we have a separate forum for Delphi programming when I started the page on Pascal and it's relatives. Since there isn't any resources thread in that message board, t may be a good idea for that to get moved there, or at least have a post with the relevant parts in it copied over to there.

I'm gonna try doing some Google-diving on Smalltalk and Ada RSN.

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