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Category: iPhone SDK Development
Google spreadsheet integration

hi guys,

I have to add new row in google spreadsheet programatically from my iPhone app.

I have read gdata-objectivec-client introduction

and I am able to fetch
spreadsheets,worksheets in a particular spreadsheet
selected worksheet data (in list based and cell based)

but I am having problem in adding new row programatically

If any one has any idea plz help.................

here is my code

GDataEntryWorksheet *newWorksheet = [GDataEntryWorksheet worksheetEntry];
[newWorksheet setTitle: (GDataTextConstruct*)@"First Sheet"];
[newWorksheet setColumnCount:5];
[newWorksheet setRowCount:20];
NSURL *postURL = [[newWorksheet postLink] URL];

[service fetchEntryByInsertingEntry:newWorksheet forFeedURL:feedURL delegate:self didFinishSelector: @selector(finish)];

but an exception is occurs

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSCFString XMLElement]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xe0550'

- (GDataServiceTicket *)fetchAuthenticatedObjectWithURL: (NSURL *)objectURL
objectClass: (Class)objectClass
objectToPost: (GDataObject *)objectToPost
ETag: (NSString *)etag
httpMethod: (NSString *)httpMethod
delegate: (id)delegate
didFinishSelector: (SEL)finishedSelector
completionHandler: (GDataServiceCompletionHandler)completionHandler

method of GDataServiceGoogle class
after excecuting [invocatio invoke] line

Visit and click the "Get Started" button.
Provide Google with the information they request to create your account. Please note that your FormSite and Google accounts are separate - we cannot retrieve any information regarding your Google Docs account for any reason.
Follow Google's instructions to complete your account setup.
FormSite's Google Spreadsheets Settings
Your form's Google Spreadsheets settings are controlled on the "Form->Integrations->Google Spreadsheets" page.

Setup Google Spreadsheets Integration by following these steps once you have your Google Docs account.

Log into your FormSite account and go to the "Form->Integrations->Google Spreadsheets" page for your form.
Click the "Get Token" link to retrieve an authentication token from Google. You will be asked to log into your Google Docs account if you are not already, and then click the "Grant access" button to return to FormSite with the new token.
Enter the name of the spreadsheet that should be saved to Google. The default is the form's name.
Select the Results View, Results Filter, and Custom Labels that should be applied to results when inserting them into the spreadsheet. Only those responses allowed by the Results View and Filter will have their results inserted.
Save the page. The spreadsheet will automatically be created in your Google Docs if you have any existing results. Otherwise it will be created upon the first result submission.

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