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Category: iPhone SDK Development
Call method to UIbarbuton

I have a toolbar with 3 barbutton. Each have their own methods.
I called the same toolbar to another Xib class. but i can't call the corresponding methods to bar button.
Please help me.

ran into a similar problem... I assume you mean that if your UIButton is not part of your UITabBar to call btnClicked then it works appropriately. If this is the problem you are proposing then, check your btnClicked method

Dear Friend

I hope this will work for you,,,,

There will be Connectivity issue in your case.
If You want to use the tab bar through out your application , I would suggest you to make the tab bar pragmatically in AppDelegate, assign function to each tab and then where ever you want to call the methods for different tabs of tab bar you can do it by creating object of appDelegate in the class.


I can probably help with this, but I may need to see some code or the Xcode project to tell what the issue is. It's a bit confusing to understand by your wording as to what's going on. I don't think you'd want to somehow call those same UIBarButton methods from another XIB, nor can you, but I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish.

Feel free to post a bit more info when you get a chance, with preferably code, and I would be glad to help.

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