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Category: BlackBerry Development
Advanced Java Programming for BlackBerry Smartphones

BlackBerry and Java have a long and storied history together. Since the launch of the BlackBerry 5810 in 2002, all BlackBerry smartphones have been Java-based. All core BlackBerry applications have been written in Java. As you can see, there are many benefits to being familiar with Java, especially as it pertains to being a BlackBerry developer. Read More... (

I have written the following code and having problem incrementing/decrementing the variable 'idx' so that the user can navigate to the other fact by means of a menu. But for some reason the value of 'idx' does not alter. Why is that happening?

class FactScreen extends MainScreen{
public int idx;
public FactScreen()

HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager(Manager.FIELD_HCENTER|Manager.NON_FOCUSABLE);
//LabelField lblFact = new LabelField("Sex Fact");
String SexFacts[] = {"Light is a bad stimulus for sex", "It is always best to have sex after dinner", "Apart from humans dolphins do enjoy sex as well"};

int LeftEmptySpace = (Display.getWidth() - hfm.getPreferredWidth())/2;

int TopEmptySpace = Display.getHeight()/5; //- hfm.getPreferredHeight()*2);



RichTextField rtfFact = new RichTextField(SexFacts[idx]);

// MenuItem MyMenuItem;

// MyMenuItem.toString("Next Fact");




private final MenuItem nextFact = new MenuItem("Next Fact",0,0)
public void run()
//Dialog.alert("Next Fact!");
idx = idx + 1; /*incrementing to go to the next fact*/


private final MenuItem prevFact = new MenuItem("Previous Fact",0,0)
public void run()
Dialog.alert("Previous Fact!");
idx = idx - 1;/*decrementing to go to the previous fact*/




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