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Category: Embedded Programming
Learning embedded

I want to know what are the relevant fields in embedded as per job requirements.
I think that we have

1) Device driver jobs.
2) Posix threads etc jobs.
3) Board bring up.

Please let me know if am missing something here.

I want this thread to be used by beginners to choose a field in embedded.

I want to know what are the relevant fields in embedded as per job requirements.

Every single application domain you can apply embedded solutions to. The current leader is cell phones. That implies a long list of protocols and technologies. Second would probably be ASIC coding, followed by game consoles and then robotics. The thing is that all those "domains" have a lot of subdomains.

Knowledge of electronics and physics are commonly required.

I want this thread to be used by beginners to choose a field in embedded.

Beginners don't usually get to chose. Deep domain knowledge generally comes from experience and there's a whole list of factors that will determine the early experiences of a beginner.

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