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Category: Javascript
Drop Out menus - Another noob

I was looking at the drop down menu's on this part of DD
and have been able to put it on my site. Although i have little javascript proggraming knowledge, i have been trying to make a link or somthing that will expand and contract all the menus. This would mean that people can see all the sub menus as well.

There's not an easy way to do this without having a good understanding of javascript.

Are you sure that the menu are using is suitable? Maybe you could try Treeview ( which allows expansion and contraction across many levels.

Hope this helps

Oh right if that is the case i will look for another menuing system. It was just an idea but i have dabled in a couple of scripts and can modify them but to the extremes, Reprogramming a whole script is somthing i dont intend to learn yet. Thankyou very much anyway....

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