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Category: Dynamic Drive scripts help
DHTML Window question

Is there a way to avoid treating every instance of the DHTML window as a browser visit? In other words, is there any way to avoid the multiple back button hits (currently required) to get out of a page using this script?

I am trying to use this script to link to a glossary in one of my sites (check here to see an example ).

Perhaps I'm trying to use the script in a way that is wasn't designed for?

Sorry if my question is too basic - I'm not a full time designer, just trying to put together a good looking web site on my own.

Thanks in advance for any help with this,


FYI - I heard from John at Dynamic Drive via email - here is his response:

Unfortuantely this has more to do with how the history
list in IE behaves rather than the script. As the
DHTML window basically is a browser window, navigation
in it is treated the same as navigation is in a normal
window. Due to this, pages viewed in it are included
in the browser's history list.

I don't believe there is any simple way around this...


Try to use Zapatec DHTML Window:

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