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Category: Dynamic Drive scripts help
Add FirstLineMenus

cant seem to get more than 5 first line menus..can someone advise me of what all needs changed to do so?

which script are you referring to?...


here's an instruction on creating menu tree:

or if you cannot get your code to work, then post it here. we'll troubleshoot for you. :)

Yes...But when I cahnge (var NoOffFirstLineMenus=5) to (var NoOffFirstLineMenus=7 ) and then add my menu6 and menu7 i get error and nothing works

var NoOffFirstLineMenus=7; // Number of first level items
var LowBgColor='#0000FF'; // Background color when mouse is not over
var LowSubBgColor='#0000FF'; // Background color when mouse is not over on subs
var HighBgColor='#003399'; // Background color when mouse is over
var HighSubBgColor='#003399'; // Background color when mouse is over on subs
var FontLowColor='white'; // Font color when mouse is not over
var FontSubLowColor='white'; // Font color subs when mouse is not over
var FontHighColor='yellow'; // Font color when mouse is over
var FontSubHighColor='yellow'; // Font color subs when mouse is over
var BorderColor='#003399'; // Border color
var BorderSubColor='#003399'; // Border color for subs
var BorderWidth=1; // Border width
var BorderBtwnElmnts=1; // Border between elements 1 or 0
var FontFamily="arial,comic sans ms,technical" // Font family menu items
var FontSize=9; // Font size menu items
var FontBold=1; // Bold menu items 1 or 0
var FontItalic=0; // Italic menu items 1 or 0
var MenuTextCentered='left'; // Item text position 'left', 'center' or 'right'
var MenuCentered='center'; // Menu horizontal position 'left', 'center' or 'right'
var MenuVerticalCentered='top'; // Menu vertical position 'top', 'middle','bottom' or static
var ChildOverlap=.2; // horizontal overlap child/ parent
var ChildVerticalOverlap=.2; // vertical overlap child/ parent
var StartTop=134; // Menu offset x coordinate
var StartLeft=1; // Menu offset y coordinate
var VerCorrect=0; // Multiple frames y correction
var HorCorrect=0; // Multiple frames x correction
var LeftPaddng=3; // Left padding
var TopPaddng=2; // Top padding
var FirstLineHorizontal=1; // SET TO 1 FOR HORIZONTAL MENU, 0 FOR VERTICAL
var MenuFramesVertical=1; // Frames in cols or rows 1 or 0
var DissapearDelay=1000; // delay before menu folds in
var TakeOverBgColor=1; // Menu frame takes over background color subitem frame
var FirstLineFrame='navig'; // Frame where first level appears
var SecLineFrame='space'; // Frame where sub levels appear
var DocTargetFrame='space'; // Frame where target documents appear
var TargetLoc=''; // span id for relative positioning
var HideTop=0; // Hide first level when loading new document 1 or 0
var MenuWrap=1; // enables/ disables menu wrap 1 or 0
var RightToLeft=0; // enables/ disables right to left unfold 1 or 0
var UnfoldsOnClick=0; // Level 1 unfolds onclick/ onmouseover
var WebMasterCheck=0; // menu tree checking on or off 1 or 0
var ShowArrow=1; // Uses arrow gifs when 1
var KeepHilite=1; // Keep selected path highligthed
var Arrws=['',5,10,'',10,5,'',5,10]; // Arrow source, width and height

function BeforeStart(){return}
function AfterBuild(){return}
function BeforeFirstOpen(){return}
function AfterCloseAll(){return}

// Menu tree
// MenuX=new Array(Text to show, Link, background image (optional), number of sub elements, height, width);
// For rollover images set "Text to show" to: "rollover:Image1.jpg:Image2.jpg"

Menu1=new Array("Welcome","","",0,20,138);

Menu2=new Array("Home","","",0);

Menu3=new Array("Disclaimer","","",0);

Menu4=new Array("Support","","",2);
Menu4_1=new Array("Information","","",5,20,150);
Menu4_1_1=new Array("30 Day Guarantee","","",0,20,150);
Menu4_1_2=new Array("Warranty Information","","",0);
Menu4_1_3=new Array("Shipping Information","","",0);
Menu4_1_4=new Array("Return Information","","",0);
Menu4_1_5=new Array("Payment Information","","",2);
Menu4_2=new Array("Help Topics","","",5);
Menu4_2_1=new Array("FCC Information/Federal Laws!","","",0,20,200);
Menu4_2_2=new Array("Frequently Askd Questions","","",0);
Menu4_2_3=new Array("Common Questions & Answers","","",0);
Menu4_2_4=new Array("What Descrambler Do I Need?","","",0);
Menu4_2_5=new Array("Privacy Policy","","",0);

Menu5=new Array("Products","","",8);
Menu5_1=new Array("Universal Descramblers","","",0,20,150);
Menu5_2=new Array("General Instrument","","",0);
Menu5_3=new Array("Scientific Atlantic","","",0);
Menu5_4=new Array("Jerrold","","",0);
Menu5_5=new Array("Pioneer","","",0);
Menu5_6=new Array("Zenith","","",0);
Menu5_7=new Array("Tocom","","",0);
Menu5_8=new Array("Test Cubes","","",0);

Menu6=new Array("Digital Descramblers","","",0,20,138);
Menu6_1=new Array("Be One of the first to get ","","",0,20,180);
Menu6_2=new Array("JavaScript Kit","","",0);
Menu6_3=new Array("Freewarejava","","",0);
Menu6_4=new Array("Web Review","","",0);

Menu7=new Array("Contact Us","javascript:top.location.href='blank.htm'","",2);
Menu7_1=new Array("E-Mail Support","mailto:[email protected]","",0,20,140);
Menu7_2=new Array("1-866-234-CABLE","","",0);

this line:
Menu4_1_4=new Array("Return Information","","",0);
Menu4_1_5=new Array("Payment Information","","",2);
Menu4_2=new Array("Help Topics","","",5);

you specified that there is a 2 submenus but there's none(there should be 4_1_5_1 and 4_1_5_2. you will need to change the bold to "0"

if you have windows os, install a script debugger(download from microsoft) and it will catch errors like you have there.

Thank you very much....

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