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Category: Apache Flex
Design - add to combo box

How do I add options to a combo box? The first one I'm working with will be a Yes/No. Radio button or check boxes are not an option in this case.

As no one seem to know how to do this, and I just found out how, I'll post the solution. There are two, but I don't know the other one yet.

<mx:FormItem id="householdExceptionsLabel"
label="Household Exceptions"
top="35" right="5"

Found the second way. This involves using a script.

This is the control:

<mx:FormItem id="householdExceptionsLabel"
label="Household Exceptions"
top="32" right="5"
<mx:ComboBox id="householdExceptionsData"
dataProvider="{englishYesNo}" />

This is the script:

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Alert;

private var englishYesNo:ArrayCollection =
new ArrayCollection([
for (i=0;i<1;i++)
householdExceptionsData.dataProvider[i] = englishYesNo[i];
householdTANFData.dataProvider[i] = englishYesNo[i];

There is a language test that uses either the spanishYesNo (not shown) or the englishYesNo variable.

Hope this is helpful to anyone else.

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