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Category: Small projects (quick fixes and changes)
Simple coding for $10

1) Project Details: (be as specific as possible):
Drop down box with options that will change certain coding on the same webpage.
Change two different coding and inserts the coding from a css file and another from a txt file.
Refreshes the webpage so user can see the desgin they have choosen from the drop down box.

Add me on msn for more details. bo_570(at)

2) Payment Amount: $10

3) Payment method/ details (Paypal, check? Timeline?): Paypal, mail
I would like this done soon.

4) Additional Info (about project or potential bidders):

so it changes just the CSS or the actually HTML too?

so it changes just the CSS or the actually HTML too?

Okay. Suppose this is the default code that is already inserted into html file i already have.
What i want it to do is change that to the code in this file when a user wants selects a certain name in the drop down list. And it will then refresh the page and it will view the page with the new code inserted into it.

I also hope that at the same time another selection of code will be changed (it is in a txtbox so the viewer can copy the code that i used for the webpage) the default code that is in it - (notice it does not have the .css at the end of it) - will then be changed to

I hope this answered your question.

So you want the stylesheet to change depending on the option selected?

I do not think changing the style sheet will work for it...
This is the code i am using this for. I put <!-- change begin --!> for where i want the code from the .css file to be inserted and i put <!-- change to txt file--!> for where i would need the txt file codes be inserted.

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<div> <span class="orangetext15"> About me:</span>The coding&nbsp; for the myspace layout:<textarea><!-- Change from txt file--!></textarea></div>
<span class="text"><!-- Change Begin-->
<style type="text/css">.layout {myspace-layout-name: Yellow Splatter;
myspace-layout-site: url(;
instructions: if there is no contact table on this layout you need contact buttons!;}
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TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {border: none; padding: 0px;}
TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {border: none; padding: 0px;}
TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {border: none; padding: 0px;}
table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: normal; padding: 0px;}
table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: normal; padding: 0px;}
table table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: normal; padding: 0px;}
table table td.text table td.text table table tbody td table, span.btext {display: none; visibility: hidden; !important}
TD TD {text-align: normal;}
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td.text td.text a img { width: 50px !important; }
div table tr td font {visibility:hidden;}
div table table tr td font {visibility:visible;}</style> <!-- Change End --> </span> </div></td></tr><tr><td width="435" valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left"> <span class="orangetext15"> Who I'd like to meet:</span><br>
<span class="text"></span> <br>
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<table cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center"><tbody><tr><td width="107" valign="top" bgcolor="FFFFFF" align="center"> &nbsp;<a href="">Tom</a>&nbsp; <br>
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PS. I had to cut some of the code to make it fit on this post.

Found solution! thanks anyways guys!

I wrote this for free for you already...

My PayPal is [email protected]

This recipient is currently unable to receive money.

Sorry that acc is having trouble, try [email protected]

Sorry that acc is having trouble, try [email protected]

Ok i will send to that account but... i noticed one thing. that script wont work for IE.... Can you fix that then i will send you the $10. Also if you could, can you make it so i can change to different sections of coding as i had said on the very end of the thread that you had given me this code? IF you do i would thank you again and i will add another $3 bonuses money for your troubles xD

I was kidding around, I don't do $10 jobs, PM me if you are interested in paying a real price.

I don't quite understand? You won't take the $10 but you will take the real price? Like 30+ dollars? Anyways... i'm guessing you wont be fixing it.

I don't quite understand? You won't take the $10 but you will take the real price? Like 30+ dollars? Anyways... i'm guessing you wont be fixing it.

Real professionals won’t even switch their computer on for $10. The least as initial price would be $50 I guess (for work up to one hour). After all, if it’s that simple to be worth just $10 then you might as well get it for free by asking in an appropriate forum here (and maybe even pretending you’re working on it and got stuck to make it look less obvious).

Real professionals won’t even switch their computer on for $10. The least as initial price would be $50 I guess (for work up to one hour). After all, if it’s that simple to be worth just $10 then you might as well get it for free by asking in an appropriate forum here (and maybe even pretending you’re working on it and got stuck to make it look less obvious).

Well the thing is, i did do that. I also did try to work on it but i had no idea where to start. All i knew how was to make the dropdown boxes and after that i was stuck. In fact this is a really simple code. I just do not know how to do it. Anyways, it wont take a professional 1 hour to fix this. More like 10 minutes. 50/6= $8.33 A person who does fix it is getting a good deal.

Well the thing is, i did do that. I also did try to work on it but i had no idea where to start. All i knew how was to make the dropdown boxes and after that i was stuck. In fact this is a really simple code. I just do not know how to do it. Anyways, it wont take a professional 1 hour to fix this. More like 10 minutes. 50/6= $8.33 A person who does fix it is getting a good deal.
Most professionals have a minimim billing unit - eg, I bill min 1 hour then 15 minute intervals after that. The actual work might only take 10 minutes but what about the time it takes to read this thread and the related thread to extract the information about the job from you, then theres the paperwork, creating an invoice, billing you - potentially chasing you up when you don't pay, time spent communicating with you.

Most professionals have a minimim billing unit - eg, I bill min 1 hour then 15 minute intervals after that. The actual work might only take 10 minutes but what about the time it takes to read this thread and the related thread to extract the information about the job from you, then theres the paperwork, creating an invoice, billing you - potentially chasing you up when you don't pay, time spent communicating with you.

Ok fine. You guys would like to be payed what a person would normally hire you for and yet here you guys are helping others for free. Well basically i am just asking for someone to help me out for free and when they do i just send $10 as a gratitude. And Nancy, I'm sure you guys spend at least 1/2hour a day just browsing. I see that you had viewed everything i had said and the related thread. Does that mean i have to pay you because you took your time read it? Sure you guys have to do the paperwork, invoice and such when someone hires you but i am not really hiring you guys and there is no need to create an invoice, billing and even chasing me if i don't pay. (its not even worth it to do so). I am sorry for the other guys who would like to be payed for full amount but i just do not have the money in my paypal account to send it to you. Also to that one guy (forgot his name) When i asked him to fix the script so it would work in IE then i'll pay him then i also offered $3 more if he could add an additional piece script to the one he already provide, I'm sorry. It must of felt as though i was being cheap and that you'll do anything for money. But that wasn't what i attended it to be. But more of a gift to show my gratitude. I also would like to say that i'm sorry but the script you do provide did work in IE and i didn't notice that it was actually my fault for why it wasn't working. I hope this clears up all the drama here. xD

If I knew how to do this I would be glad to accept your $10. But I don't.
Why are you guys messing with blue?

If you knew how to do this your time would be worth more than $10.

If I knew how to do this I would be glad to accept your $10. But I don't.
Why are you guys messing with blue?

If you knew how to do this your time would be worth more than $10.
Lets just stay on topic for now on.

Anyways guys its all fixed now. I payed that one guy $10 for helping me. Mod close this thread?

Sure, seems like just the right time to close this thread.

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