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Category: Small projects (quick fixes and changes)
php/mysql event calendar

1) Project Details: (be as specific as possible):

I need an event calendar added to my current database and member system. I need to be able to let each member be able to search each others calendars to see when there free days are. I just need it colored coded to free days and busy days.

2) Payment Amount: $100

3) Payment method/ details (Paypal, check? Timeline?): paypal

4) Additional Info (about project or potential bidders): This is for a personal website.

PM me if your payment amount is flexible, $100 is way too low.

Thanks you for the reply. While waiting for a reply i found an old $40 php book i had and noticed it had a section on calendars. I read this and i have done the job my self.

Thanks Anyway.

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