Helpful Information
Category: Vacant job positions
Hiring Coder and Salesperson

We are a small website development company looking to hire a coder who is proficient in HTML, CSS, MySQL, and PHP to fill the vacancies for our lost coders. Knowledge of other languages would be beneficial.

We already have a portfolio, but it's been difficult getting clients recently, so we are also looking to hire a salesperson to do advertising to get further clients.

Contact me via email or AIM if interested. My email is [email protected] my AIM is coolsk8er51.

Coder positions are all filled. However, if you have extensive knowledge of a variety of languages such as Javascript and C++ and are willing to work for a relatively cheaper pay (for reasons such as building a portfolio), we may still find a spot for you.

Positions for sales-people are still open. Contact me if interested.

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