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Category: CSS
position of #contentwrapper

DHTML Billboard script IE NS6! :confused: The only way I've been able to control the position of this scroller is to put it in div tags the css doesn't have a positioning element. Can someone help me put this baby in the right place? Thanks, Dennis :)

DHTML Billboard script IE NS6!In future, please link to the script in question (

The only way I've been able to control the position of this scroller is to put it in div tags [...]The content is already contained by a div element, so there's no need to add another.

the css doesn't have a positioning element.As a technical aside, CSS doesn't have elements at all. However, it certainly does have properties related to positioning.

A simple solution would be to absolutely-position the container. You'd do this by modifying the rule defined by the selector, #contentwrapper:

#contentwrapper {
/* Existing declarations */

position: absolute;
/* Use the left/right and top/bottom properties to
* position the element. All values except zero (0)
* should be followed by a unit. For example,
* left: 0;
* top: 12em;
* One em is the same as the font size, so 12em is
* approximately the length of twelve lines.
* right: 5px;
* bottom: 5px;
}There are other positioning schemes that might be more appropriate. It depends on the design you're attempting to realise.


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