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Category: CSS
IE5 positioning problem


I have a page I am testing
It seems to work in all main browser accept IE5 mac. I have put a hack in which works but doesnt centralize the box:

.container {
background-color: transparent;
position: absolute;
/* following rules are invisible to IE 5 \*/
.container {
/* styles for IE 5 Mac */

Is there any way of doing this to centralize an absolutly positioned box in Ie5 mac?
Any help would be greatly apreciated

It seems to work in all main browser accept IE5 mac.I'm afraid I don't have access to Mac at all, so I can't test anything myself. Presumably the trick you've hidden from IE5/Mac doesn't work, but I've read that the "best" approach does.

Setting the left/right margins to auto is technically the best approach as the box model clearly sets out that this will centre an element by making the margins equal. However, there is a caveat: the document must be in standards mode (you must have a correct DOCTYPE declaration) for IE6 to do this right.

selector {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
width: ?;
}Apparently, the shorthand (margin: 0 auto;) won't work with IE5/Mac. The explicit width is important as block-level elements tend to have 100% width, by default.

Unfortunately, there is a further complication: IE5/Win won't even work with this. However, you can get around this by introducing another container and setting the text-align property to center. Though text-align should only work on the inline content of an element, IE5/Win applies it to block-level elements, too.

#wrapper {
/* Will centre block-level children in IE5/Win. */
text-align: center;
#wrapper .container {
/* Centre the element. */
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
width: 730px;
/* Re-apply left alignment. */
text-align: left;

<div id="wrapper">
<xx class="container">
</div>Take a look at the All My FAQs article ( and David Dorward's own centring article (

Good luck,

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