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Category: Web Hosting
Save files to my hard drive

I experienced a hard drive crash recently and also experienced some other issues which did not allow me to restore my web site files to the newly reformatted hard drive.

I can edit my websites directly on the server, but I would prefer to have the files on my hard drive and publish the changed files when necessary.

Is there a way I can download my web page files from the Westhost server and save them to my hard drive?

One site in question is if you need one to use as an example.

I use Frontpage extensions if you need to know that.


You could use a program like WS_FTP to log in and download your files from the server to your hard drive

You can find out more about it in the WestHost manual here

This is how I do most my management of my sites.

Thanks! I have used WS_FTP to go in the opposite direction, but never the other way. This will not corrupt my Frontpage extensions, will it?


I'd say use zip to compress those files up first. That way you don't have to transfer as much.

Login using putty or ssh and type . . .

zip -9 -r *.*

That should do the trick. Then you can unzip it when you get it to your computer.

Thanks! I have used WS_FTP to go in the opposite direction, but never the other way. This will not corrupt my Frontpage extensions, will it?


I am not familar with Front Page but don't see why either Torrin's idea of zipping first and then downloading or just grabbing files one at a time would corrupt the file. I have never had any problem with WS_FTP changeing any of my files.

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