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Category: Server side development
Opening a New Window with ASP/VBScript

Is there a way to make a sub/pop-up window from a link, without using any JavaScript, in ASP or VBScript? If so can someone show me how to do it?


do you want something similar to the functionality of the Javascript function (ie, don't show toolbars, specify the width/height etc.) ??

if not, just call the page like this...

<a href="your_page.htm" target="_new">click here</a>

Server side script is not event driven. It is executed when the page is loaded.

What Dave said.

If you want the "popup" window to be customized, instead of a plain target="_blank" page, then you'll just need to use javascript when the HTML is sent to the client-side.


There may be no actual "_new" target, but the way browsers work is that you can add any name there - as if referencing a frame even, and if the name is in use, it'll open it in a new window, thus making target="_new" a perfectly viable way to open a new window ;)

Yes, the syntax is not by the book, but it works :D


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