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Category: PHP
Displaying a portion of a result set

How can I nodify the code below to, by default display the 1st 10 resutls from the query, then at the bottom, display a list Page 1 of 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 and so on.?

$linkID = mysql_connect("localhost", "$dbUser", "$dbPass");
if ($linkID != FALSE) {
mysql_select_db("$dbName", $linkID);
$resultID = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE catID='$catID'", $linkID);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultID)) {
$iName= $row['imageName'];
$iID= $row['imageID'];
$iWords = $row['keywords'];
$desc = $row['descTxt'];
print "<img src='images/small/".$iID.".jpg' align='left' alt='".$iWords."' border='2' bordercolor='black' height='120'>";
print "<b>".$iName."</b><br>";
print "<font class='main'>";
if($desc!=null) {
//print "This is where I need to add a nice little description for this image.<br>Now I've just got to get off my lazy but and do it.";
print "</font>";
print "<a href='photos.php?imageID=".$iID."'>Click here to see more about this photograph!</a>";
print "<br clear='all'><hr>";
else {
print "Bad Connection";

I've tried using the limit for my sql, but I get errors. Any help is appreciated.

Well, I uh... don't know much about PHP, but couldn't you set the displaying part of the code(the whole thing) In a for-loop, and st a variable so that whenever it reaches a number, set next page?

Sorry if I am not much help... I am still a newbie at this :(

Use something like this

$query = "SELECT * FROM table LIMIT $limit,25";
$result = mysql_db_query($db,$query,$connect);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$iName= $row['imageName'];
$iID= $row['imageID'];
$iWords = $row['keywords'];
$desc = $row['descTxt'];
print "<img src='images/small/".$iID.".jpg' align='left' alt='".$iWords."' border='2' bordercolor='black' height='120'>";
print "<b>".$iName."</b><br>";
print "<font class='main'>";
if($desc!=null) {
//print "This is where I need to add a nice little description for this image.<br>Now I've just got to get off my lazy but and do it.";
print "</font>";
print "<a href='photos.php?imageID=".$iID."'>Click here to see more about this photograph!</a>";
print "<br clear='all'><hr>";
else {
print "Bad Connection";

$total = mysql_num_rows($result);

$foo = $total / 25;
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
echo "<center>Go to page: | ";
echo "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?limit=$limit\">$i</a> | ";
$limit = $limit + 25;

Hope that helps



Thanks for the code, that almost exactly what I was trying to do, then I get a undefined variable limit error the first time through.

When someone enters this page the string is...

Do I need to change all those links to
for the initial viewing?

I trind to use something like
if(!isset($limit)) {
but that seems to throw an error???undef var limit grr :mad:

I keep thinking it should work, but it don't.

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