This page has absolute positioned images in it, i know that it is fine in IE 5.5 and MSN explorer but would like to check it through cross browsers, let me know if there is any layout out problems or typo's or just general comments
Errrrrr i think i'll have to work on that lol, i have a good idea of what you mean, but as this is only my 3rd attempt at building a web site i think i may have to look into it further :o
thanx for your help tho :thumbsup:
Thanx for your comments :thumbsup: I have made some changes, i hope this sorts some of the probs, let me know if you find anymore or if you have any comments about typo's or layout :cool:
THanx :thumbsup:
just some comments on the 'look' of the site...
firsly, I must say, way to go! It looks great for only your third site - way back in the day when I started making web pages - the most current browser was IE3 (booo)
If my 3rd website had looked anything like yours I would've been quite proud :D
Anyways - I think that the text is a little hard to read in places.
A few suggestions:
Whenever you have the black text on the straight blue background - I would suggest changing it to white - it might be easier to read.
The site links are also a little dark and hard on the eyes... (or maybe it's just cause I've had 2 nights in a row where I was up past 2:30 and in to work by 9.. hmm ;))
Just some suggestions - take them or leave them
the images aren very clean to be honest. and the buttons look a bit tacky but its ok. one thing that bugs me with your site is that you are distributing script kiddie tools and that really is lame.
Originally posted by whackaxe
the images aren very clean to be honest. and the buttons look a bit tacky but its ok. one thing that bugs me with your site is that you are distributing script kiddie tools and that really is lame.
Sly, we already got into this once ( ). I do appreciate that you made a seperate page for review purposes and that your other site is currently disabled.
However, just some advice, you seem to have some pretty good designing potential and the overall look of your site isn't bad. But when all is said and done, the content is going to make or break it. Some of the hacks/cracks you offered on your site are illegal and if the owners of the rights to these programs find out you could get yourself into trouble. Not to mention that it's also unethical.
Just some friendly advice. What you do outside of this forum is none of my business, as long as direct links to sites containing illegal content are not posted here. I'd just hate to see you designing sites you'll regret later ;).
thanx for the comments :thumbsup: , i have taken onboard your suggestions etc. I am quite pleased with it :D , but i dont think i will be makin any big changes just yet, think i need a break from it so i can get some sleep instead of sittin infront of this thing allnight