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Category: MySQL
Parse error

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parse error:
$query = "INSERT authorize(username,password,accesslevel,hp,fire,summon,potion,ice,email,id) VALUES ('" . $uname . "','" . crypt($pword,$this->salt) . "', '". 1000 . "', '". 10 . "', '". 2 . "', '". 6 . "' , '". 5 . "','". 0 ."' , "' . $email ."','" . $randval . "')";

$query = "INSERT authorize(username,password,accesslevel,hp,fire,su
mmon,potion,ice,email,id) VALUES ('" . $uname . "','" . crypt($pword,$this->salt) . "', '". 1000 . "', '". 10 . "', '". 2 . "', '". 6 . "' , '". 5 . "','". 0 ."' , "' . $email ."','" . $randval . "');"

still getting a parse error

$query = "INSERT authorize username,password,accesslevel,hp,fire,summon,potion,ice,email,id) VALUES ('" . $uname . "','" . crypt($pword,$this->salt) . "', '". 1000 . "', '" . 10 . "', '" . 2 . "', '" . 6 . "', '" . 5 . "','" . 0 . "' , '" . $email ."','" . $randval . "');"

one more thing ..
what is the mysql query to create a new row in a table

That's what INSERT does.

yep :D

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