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Category: MySQL
Completely stuck

I'm trying to get users details based on what the name of the directory is, I'm using $dir as the variable. I've been trying to do this for ages (about an hour or two) and haven't gotten anywhere.

I have no idea how to do the select query from the database to choose the right member, based on the directory ($dir).

The table is named members and I'm wanting to get the username, bio and country from the database. I've tried everyway I can think of, but I get no results or errors.

I know this might be confusing, thanks if you can help.

Can you post some code showing your problem? Are you using php? Perl? ASP?

@mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuname,$dbpass) OR die("Could not connect to the database please make sure the sign in info is correct");
@mysql_select_db($dbname) OR die("That database does not appear to exist or you do not have permissions to manipulate it");
$sql = "SELECT username,country,bio from members";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

echo "$username ";
echo "<br>";
echo "$country";
echo "<br>";
echo "$bio";

I'm new to this so I have no idea on how to do it. Using php

Try this...

@mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuname,$dbpass) OR die("Could not connect to the database please make sure the sign in info is correct");
@mysql_select_db($dbname) OR die("That database does not appear to exist or you do not have permissions to manipulate it");
$sql = "SELECT username,country,bio from members";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);//new line here.
echo "$data['username'] ";
echo "<br>";
echo "$data['country']";
echo "<br>";
echo "$data['bio']";

That shoud do it.

That throws an error:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in c:\phpdev\www\public\chatterspics\users\nighty\index.php on line 67

Line 67 is

echo "$data['username']";

Also, would this select the right member from the directory name?


testalias is the name of the user I want the details showing of.

To get the directory name, I'm using:

$url = explode("/",$PHP_SELF);
$filename = $url[sizeof($url)-1];
$dir = $url[sizeof($url)-2];

echo "$dir";

How can I use that in a select query to get the right users details?

I tried

select username,country, bio from members where $dis='username'

but that never gave a result either.

I've fixed it after I took some time from the PC.

$result = mysql_query("SELECT username,bio, country from members WHERE username='$dir'");
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

do {
echo $row["username"];
echo "<br>";
echo $row["country"];
echo "<br>";
echo $row["bio"];
} while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result));

} else {
echo "Sorry, no records were found!";}

you can also do this :)

$result = mysql_query("SELECT username,bio, country from members WHERE username='$dir'");
list($username,$bio,$country) = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo "$username<br>$country<br>$bio";
echo "Sorry, no records were found!";

Jee :)

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