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Category: vB3 Programming Discussions

I just started a small motorbike/car/speed related banner exchange and a couple of my users are running vbulletin 2.0.3. Now my question is, if they add the supplied code to the HTML header, in the VBulletin Admin CP, the page ID is not unique on each displayed page of the forum. Resulting in cached banners and missed credits. I was wondering is their a way to generate a random number in place of the page ID in the html header in admin CP??

I hope all that makes sense.

Thanks a ton in advance for any help you may be able to give.

Within the styles part of the admin panel, tell them to add this code to the Header Insert of the appropriate style.

$pageid = rand();

then wherever the page id is meant to go place $pageid

hope this helps.

Thanks i passed on the info and was asked where to put the first bit :
$pageid = rand();

something about what part of styles?!? i think... :)

Edit: just got email... works a treat... THANKS HEAPS!! YOUR A CHAMPION :D

if you need a really good seed for srand(), use:
srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);

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