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Category: vB3 Programming Discussions
Help please.. :)

Hi I'm trying to get a weather page happenin on my site with the attached php scripts and i keep getting this error with both the weather.php & the metar.php:

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of fsockopen(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in c:\sambar50\docs\weather\index.php on line 40

It displays the weather but has that error twice at top of the page.. Help :rolleyes: please... :)

Check your error reporting level...

echo error_reporting();
//echo error_reporting(7);
The first line will echo the current level of error_reporting. The second will set the level to 7. The third will set the level to 7, and print the previous level.

7 is really good for everyday scritps. When in doubt, use 7. If your comming from a background in ASP, and like to set "Option Explicit" so you have to dim all your vars, you may like 15 (it will print a notice that a used var has not been initialized).

PHP docs: error_reporting() (, description of Reporting Errors (

Originally posted by Mark Hensler
Check your error reporting level...

echo error_reporting();
//echo error_reporting(7);
The first line will echo the current level of error_reporting. The second will set the level to 7. The third will set the level to 7, and print the previous level.

7 is really good for everyday scritps. When in doubt, use 7. If your comming from a background in ASP, and like to set "Option Explicit" so you have to dim all your vars, you may like 15 (it will print a notice that a used var has not been initialized).

PHP docs: error_reporting() (, description of Reporting Errors (

Don't mean to sound dumb but where do i find that?? All other PHP scripts run fine...

You have to add it into the file yourself. Somewhere near the top is best.

Ok, thanks for the help...

Did that solve it? What level was it set at?

Nope it didn't solve it, but I'm running vbportal and i just added it as a module and it seems to work fine...

Do you still need this solved, or does vbportal take care of your needs? (I'm not familiar with vbportal)

If possible yes please, :) I'm not in a mega rush so dont do your head in or anything.. the temp fix is ok for now.. do you want me to repost the scripts? I took them down as I wasnt sure the author would appreciate them being here.. :rolleyes:

BTW I cut & pasted that code and all it seemed to do was add the number 2039 under the errors when running the script.

2039?!? Good golly, that's paranoia!

Try adding it above the errors.

Idealy, anything that alters the way that PHP executes should be the very first lines of uncommented code. That includes any calls to ini_set(), error_reporting(), set_magic_quotes_runtime(), and a few others.

Yep I added it above the errors.. Still the same thing.. 2039 whatever that means... Doesn't matter too much, I'm in no rush, as the site is still in development and wont be open to the public for quite some time at the rate i'm going... :rolleyes: Very much appreciated that you have takin the time to answer my posts btw. :)

Oh BTW for more info on vbPortal (One of the best things since vbulletin itself) look here :D :

Try adding this before the error:

or editing your .htaccess, and add this line:

php_value allow_call_time_pass_reference "1"

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