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Category: Community Reviews
Advice needed for I.T Cert forum

I got lots of members (avg 100 new sign up a day) but I don't understand why they refuse to post anything. Any advice?

:) I'm checking out your site now (not that I'll have any advice, lol). ;) But, you might wanna fix your link in the original post, it's missing an "s" which makes the page come up wrong. :D

doh - fix your link in the post ;)

Secondly, one thing that anoys me is when people do not use the entire browser width - I spent all that money on a decent graphics card and big monitor - and the web master dictates wastes it all. I dislike that apsect of it.

However everything else is clean and defined - its a good site you got there with some well educated people :)

Ok the link is now fixed. :)

Secondly, one thing that anoys me is when people do not use the entire browser width - I spent all that money on a decent graphics card and big monitor - and the web master dictates wastes it all. I dislike that apsect of it.

I used to use full screen but that, it didn't help the posting getting any better either.

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