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Category: Community Reviews
Would love some expert opinions

Hi all;
My board has been open since July. I have 89 memebrs (well 90 if you include the test acct I made for testing)

It's a recipe board, but it also has a "coffee clotch" section - chat, game links, humor etc...)

I think it's ok, but would love to find ways to make it kick butt.... any ideas, suggestions etc are most welcome!


You can log in using testacct/test if you want to actually see any of the posts (You can browse threads but must be logged in to view posts)

gah - If I only I knew how to cook !!

Actually - I noticed you didnt have a main site... were you planning to add one or is that somewhere else?

I was planning on adding one - i opened the board before i had a clue what i was doing and dumped it into the root directory...

One of those things... when i have some time, I will change the directories and get a front page in there :)

Aside from that, what do you think?

You should think about converting your site into a portal. All the important news could be on the front page for easy access to your visitors. Go to

I was at your site and the Last Poster and last post are not working properly.

How so Princeton? They seem accurate to me....

As for the portal, yes, I probably will consider it when i figure out what i want to do on my front page. Need some time and "devine inspirartion" 1st (or someone who is feeling generous LOL)

Please let me know what error you found, I would like to fix it!

Thanks for letting me know

Looking good, I would have to say you have the most unique top_XX buttons :)

Thanks Sinecure
coming from you, that means alot!


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