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Category: Premium Modifications
categories missing

I know this is something stupid that I am missing, but I can't find it anywhere. On my arcade, the categories do not show up. I have been through all the settings a couple of times, what am I missing?

Where are you looking for your categories to display? They should be displaying in a table below the arcade stats and above the game listings.

Not there for me either.

Mine aren't missing ... but can anyone lead me to the tempate to make the font of the categories larger?

Mine aren't missing ... but can anyone lead me to the tempate to make the font of the categories larger?

there is no template to make that font larger..
you have to edit the skin_arcade.php
function cat_cell($cat) {
global $ibforums;
return <<<EOF
<td width="15%" class="alt1" align="center" style="font-weight: normal;">

and replace it with

function cat_cell($cat) {
global $ibforums;
return <<<EOF
<td width="15%" class="alt1" align="center" style="font-weight: normal;">
<div style="font-size: 11pt;">

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