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Category: HTML & CSS
IFrame and NS6

I'm having trouble with the iFrame tag in Netscape 6 - for some reason the iframe is not displaying...

here's the code <iframe src="the_html_file" width="98%" height="75%" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Thanks for your help.


mayyybe this link will just a help®...
just a goodluck® :O)))

I've used iframes all the time with no trouble at all in Moz. I always use CSS as opposed to width and height attributes though, but that wouldn't affect it not displaying.

What would be the best way to apply CSS to an IFrame?

Also, what's the proper format for Netscape 4 proofing the IFrame (using ILayer)

To clarify, where should I put the ILayer tags to correspond with the IFrame tags...

<iframe src="blah"><ilayer src="blah"></ilayer></iframe>

Would it be something like that?



That way seems fine, though it really doesn't matter. The tags are currently mutually exclusive (no browser supports both).

Anyway, I just go for CSS:

iframe {
width: bla;
height: bla;
/* etc */

Or assign it an id and style it from #myid. or a class, and from .myclass

thanks jkd,

I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes...

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