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Category: HTML & CSS
2 Questions

1. I been testing my Background out to put on one of my Forums but it keeps Tileing. What do I put with the Baground tag that makes it not Tile?

2. I'm trying to make a from From scratch but don't know how.
Can anybosy help me, Well I knoe how to add all the fields but I don't know how to do it so it Submits staright to my E-Mail box.


For your first question put this is your <body> tag.


For your second you can put action="mailto:[email protected]" in the form tage or you can a script e.g. CGI and link it to your form.

Hope that helps


P.S For your first question you might find putting this in there two useful. It keeps your image static while your page is scrolled.


Thanks mate.

I know about the fixed thing :thumbsup:

Abd thanks for the Form help...I was looking everywere.

Oh and whatever form field I add will it submit them all?

Yes.. But this will only work if the user has email set up properly on their computer (not many), and they are also given the choice of sending it...

The better way is to use a serverside form. Do you have access to any serverside langauges? PHP? ASP? CGI/Perl?


Originally posted by Jeewhizz
Yes.. But this will only work if the user has email set up properly on their computer (not many), and they are also given the choice of sending it...

The better way is to use a serverside form. Do you have access to any serverside langauges? PHP? ASP? CGI/Perl?


What do you mean.

BTW - How do I center a BG Image?

To center bg image try this:

style=" background-image:url(‘wombat.gif’);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center"

To center it horizontally only try:

background-position:left center;

Or you could declare it in your style sheet:

background-image: url(wombat.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center

The background property is not inherited, so this would only apply to tag you apply it to e.g. body or p

something that is quite naff about the mailto form is that when i tried it it poped up this big intimidating message saying that form was about to leave my message box and that it could contain sensitive info. the best is really to use a free form-2-email like at

I get that supid Alert saying this is a E-Mail form thing and something about Policy...HELP>>

thats what i ws tellign you! its even worse than that , if you have a mountain of e-mails piling upin your outbox then your form will get sent after them when the user clicks on send/recieve or whatever. learn PHP and be forever at rest from questions like these

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