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Category: JavaScript programming
Open-window for non-java browsers

My open Window javascript will not work gracefully for browsers with Javascript turned off; they click on the link and nothing happens. If Java is on, a new window opens that is sized as specified. To solve this, would I have to have something that detects whether the visitor has Javascript and loads a different page if they do? I wish my open Window script would open a new window of a specific size for Java browsers and would open in the same window for non-Java browsers. Here is the script I am using:

This part goes in the HEAD section:

function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0,winName,features);

This is the code around the LINK in the BODY section:

<a href="javascript:;" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('target-page.htm','Window TitleBar Name','toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=400')">

The problem is that users with Java turned off click on the link and go nowhere. Any solutions?

there is one handy dandy tag in html which goes something like this:


this is what the user will see if theydo not have javascript activated


as well in your link you should put somethin like


<a href="something.html" target="_blank"> open window </a>


<a href="target-page.htm" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('target-page.htm','Window TitleBar Name','toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,wi
dth=600,height=400'); return false;" target="_blank">

Note the return false - though I'm not overly sure why, if a
browser can understand the onclick it will NOT do the href, if a
browser either hits an error or simply cannot do js it does the

Aha - I went back and read ALL of your post....

<a href="alternatepage.htm" target="_top" onclick="MM(); return false;">

target="parent" / "self" / "top" / "_new" / "_blank" / "setname"
are all posibilities I think. I never remember which ones have
underscores before them - tinker around til it works :)

Perfect! Thanks so much for your replies! The return false worked like a charm... Thanks again!

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