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Category: vBulletin 3 Articles
prevent shouting lowercasing all Instead Of Doing This

if you have "prevent shouting" on, vb will capitalize the first letter of words. to make it go all lower case, open functions_newpost.php, find

return iif($vbulletin->options['stopshouting'] AND $text == strtoupper($text), ucwords(vbstrtolower($text)), $text);

replace for

return iif($vbulletin->options['stopshouting'] AND $text == strtoupper($text), vbstrtolower($text), $text);

and upload. ucwords() is bad

This would be great if it was a plugin....:\

This would be great if it was a plugin....:\

no hooks there unfortunately ;/

aww damn.

O.K well i already edited some files so i guess there's no harm in installing this one :)


ugh i should install these file editing ones once 3.5 goes gold....that way i wont lose everything that involoves files...whatever

/me clicks install.

You have my vote to make this part of the standard code.

if you have "prevent shouting" on, vb will capitalize the first letter of words. to make it go all lower case, open functions_newpost.php, find

For less experienced people you might want to change that to let them know that file is in the includes folder.

I'm gOIng tO gIvE thIs a TrY cUZ I hatE thiS TyPE of TypiNg, ANd prEveNt shOutiNG doESn'T stOp IT.

EDIT: Nope, won't work unless the first and all following letters are capitol.

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