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Category: ASP
Directory listing...

Does anyone know if there is a way to list all the files in the directory.. (Without using the default method)

In other words, can I get all the files and write them out to the ASP page?


Try this:

actually, I just found a nice one before you posted - once I'm finished modifying the code, I'll post it here.

I'm sure others will want to know how to do this.


does this work?

Landon - thanks for the response, but that wasn't what I'm trying to do.. that just displays the users' C:\ drive... what I want to do is throw up a directory listing of one of the DIRs on the Server.

Thanks for your post though


whoops, sorry, I need to pay attention.

I haven't checked out the scripts above, but I have one that I use all the time. I think I got it from, but I don't remember to be honest.

It works great though.

Let me know if you still need one and I'll snag a copy of it.

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