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Category: ASP
HELP ME please '80004005'

i am getting this error when i try to login

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Operation must use an updateable query.

/login.asp, line 44

and this is what is on line 44


PLEASE help me asap thanx :)

whats in the variable SQL?

here is line 30 to line 57

While Not RS.EOF
If UserName = RS("Username") And Password = RS("Password") Then
Session("allow") = True
Session("clearance") = RS("Clearance")
Level = RS("Clearance")
End If

If Session("allow") = True Then

vip = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")

SQL = "UPDATE Members Set IP = '" & vip & "' WHERE Username = '" & UserName & "'"

If Level = 0 Then Response.Redirect "error/inactive.asp"
If Level = 1 Then Response.Redirect "news.asp"
If Level = 2 Then Response.Redirect "news.asp"
If Level = 3 Then Response.Redirect "news.asp"
If Level = 4 Then Response.Redirect "news.asp"
If Level = 5 Then Response.Redirect "news.asp"
If Level = 50 Then Response.Redirect "news.asp"
If Level = 99 Then Response.Redirect "error/multies.asp"
If Level = 100 Then Response.Redirect "error/security.asp"


The error message:

Operation must use an updateable query

means either:

1 - your db is in a folder that does not have write permissions.

Check with your server admin

2 - you have a recordset that has been opened as read-only.

Opening an updatable Recordset ( :D

ok i read it but i dont realy understand a example of that recordset thing would be nice i am farly new to asp and .mdb and all this stuff PLEASE help me thanx :)

Like ReyN said, that sounds to me like the folder your database is residing in doesn't have write permissions. (That's usually the reason for that error, anyway - also like ReyN said, you might have it opened as read-only.)

Either way, it means you can't write to it the way things are. Can you include your connection string as well?

P.S. Who's your host? If it happens to be and your Access database isn't in the database folder, you will get that very error - that's the only directory with write permissions. :)

my host is gnxonline


SQL = "UPDATE Members Set IP = '" & vip & "' WHERE Username = '" & UserName & "'"

"Members Set IP"
Why is the set in there?

i have no clue why that is there i will try and take it out and see what happens

Actually that's the correct syntax for an UPDATE statement. I don't see anything wrong with that...

I just tested it, yeah, set is supose to be there, it just doesn't look right if you don't cap it:

SQL = "UPDATE members SET ip = '" & vip & "' WHERE username = '" & username & "'"

OK... it seems to be clear that the69pimp needs to talk to his host in order to resolve this problem .

I'm going to close this thread. the69pimp, if you still need help with this, or if you feel that I closed this thread in error, feel free to email me.


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