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Category: ASP
How to transfer parameters more efficiently?

now I make a "user register module", the new user need to type in emailaddress, firstname,lastname, phone, address,password and other informations, near 20 items. (for our internal user)

Sometimes, they will forget some item. How can I only show the items they forgot after submit. and user only need to fill in it, and submit again.

The only way I find is to make a lot of "hidden field" in the second page and remember each item which user have answered.

Do you know some better way to do it? if you already have some example, it will be better!

Many thanks

you can also incorporate client-side validation using javascript and at the same time do server-side validation using the technique you said.

Thank you for your reply, but I hope,
After submit, all the information , which have been answered, will not display.


for each item in Request.Form
if request.form(item)<>"" then
response.write "<input type='hidden' name='"&item&"' value='"&request.form(item)&"'>"
response.write "<input name='"&item&"' value=''>"
end if

Originally posted by geqy
Thank you for your reply, but I hope,
After submit, all the information , which have been answered, will not display.


Thanks. that is really a good idea.

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