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Make your own vBcodes (BB)

Install these and analyze them. I made them in 30 minutes.

vB Code tag: NarrowText
vB Code replacement: <span style="font-family: Arial Narrow, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana; font-size: 15px; color: {option}; font-variant: small-caps; letter-spacing: 1px;"><b>{param}</b></span>
vB Code example: This BB code writes a upper-case narrow text.
vB Code explanation: Uses Arial Narrow. Developded by Marco from
Use {option}: Yes

vB Code tag: Acronym
vB Code replacement: <span style="border-bottom: 1px dashed {option}; cursor: help;">{param}</span>
vB Code example: This BB code changes the cursor and title.
vB Code explanation: Acronym - descibibing with question cursor help. Developded by Marco from
Use {option}: Yes

vB Code tag: Box
vB Code replacement: <div style="background-color: {option}; width: 300; height: 200; overflow: auto; border: 1 solid black"><font color="000000">{param}</font></div>
vB Code example: Text
vB Code explanation: Developded by Marco from
Use {option}: Yes

vB Code tag: Glow
vB Code replacement: <table style="filter:Glow(color=red, strength={option})">{param}</table>
vB Code example: This BB code makes a 1px glow.
vB Code explanation: Glow 1px in IE4+ only. Developded by Marco from
Use {option}: Yes

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