Helpful Information
Category: General Articles
How to Write For the Web

A successful article is one that grabs the reader's attention and promotes reading. To do this, you must first write an article that is easy to read.

To grab the reader's attention follow these simple rules:
Use the Inverted Pyramid Structure
Create Short Articles
Use Short Paragraphs
Format Text When Appropriate
Use the Inverted Pyramid Structure

We were always taught to begin an article with an introduction. However, when using the inverted pyramid structure you begin with its conclusion followed by any supporting information.

Do you remember the last time you read an article from start to finish? Do you remember why?

Typically, most readers will jump to another page before reading an article. They will scan a page - if nothing stands out they will exit. This is why it's important to have the conclusions or key points first.

Create Short Articles

Write short articles. A 5oo word article will provide just enough information. Long articles scare people away - it's just too much to read in so little time. If your article consists of 1,000+ words you should consider splitting into 2 or more articles.

Use Short Paragraphs

Long paragraphs are difficult to scan.
3 sentences maximum when possible.
Use short and familiar words - no jargon.
Format Text When Appropriate

To promote reading:
Use Bold, Italic, and Headings (H1-H3 / forum equivalent bbcode is [size=3]).
Divide content in short paragraphs
Use bulleted list when possible.
Offer plenty of contrast between text and background.
Use corresponding images when appropriate.Do NOT:
Add colors to text - use default.
Change font-size - use default.
Use smilies within text. Smilies are great for conversations but not for articles.


We were always taught to begin an article with an introduction. However, when using the inverted pyramid structure you begin with its conclusion followed by any supporting information.

This actually makes alot of sense

very useful

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