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Category: XML
A General Question about xsl and xml

I have three general questions about xsl and xml. First, which browsers can correctly handle xsl? I've read that IE 6 can, but I'm not sure about Netscape 6. Second, is it possible to incorporate javascript with xsl? What i mean is, is it possible to either a) use javascript to dynamically create an xsl style sheet (i'm guessing that that's not possible) or b) can I transform an xml document into an xhtml document that includes javascript? Finally, i'm thinking of making a site for myself that draws all of its content from xml so that it's easier to update it. Would it be more worth while for me to use xsl exclusively, or should I just parse the xml data with javascript? Thanks.

Browsers: Both IE6 and Mozilla include excellent XSLT support. I don't know exactly when Netscape started building NS6 with XSLT support, but Mozilla in general has excellent support.

Dynamic XSLT creation: IE supports a proprietary <xsl:script> tag last I heard, which I would assume would allow you to use Javascript to dynamically create an XSLT sheet, but I've never used it so I can't say.

Including Javascript in an XHTML result document: Of course. :)


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