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Category: Computer Programming
Program suggestion (or does it exist?)


I am looking for a certain program, but I couldn't find anything satisfying. This is what I want it to do:

In Windows, when you right click in a text box or, for example, notepad, you get a menu with 5 options:

Select All

Now, I want it to have a 6th option, with which I can paste certain strings that I often have to type; like my name, e-mail adress etc. The extra option should have a tree like structure, so you can put strings that belong to each other in a different dub-menu. Like:

Business > Adresses -> e-mail adress
Business > Contacts
Personal > Home adress

And that's about it!

All the program's that I could find where some kind of clipboard extension, but didn't give me the easy paste options that I was looking for.

I hope that I gave some talented programmer an idea, or that if a similar program exists, someone could tell me where to find it.



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