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Category: Computer Programming
segment fault in function


I have some code that compiles 100% error/warning free, but whenever i execute the program its spits back segment faults.

The aim of the code is to search a 2d array (size rowXcol) for a specific character (in the first case 'W') and print to a file a string ("wumpus") plus the x/y co ordinates of where it occurs. Each time it occurs it should print the same string and different x/y co ords on a newline (FILE * passed down 1 line).
Then it should return the FILE * to the calling function where it can search for a new char , then print another string/x/y into the file and so on...

here is the code:
somewhere in int main() {
FILE* outFilePtr;

outFilePtr = insert_data( outFilePtr, 'W' , "wumpus", map, data );
outFilePtr = insert_data(outFilePtr, 'G' , "gold", map, data);
outFilePtr = insert_data(outFilePtr, 'P' , "pit", map, data);
outFilePtr = insert_data(outFilePtr, 'E' , "exit", map, data);
... }
FILE * insert_data( FILE * filePtr, char toFind, char word[], char ** map, int * data)
int c=0, d=0;
char line[25];
int row = data[5];
int col = data[6];

while( c < col ) {
while ( d < row ) {
if( map[c][d] == toFind ) {
sprintf( line,"%s %d %d\n", word , d, c);
fputs(line, filePtr);
return filePtr;

Now i know the segment error occurs the first time it calls insert_data, but i can't find where. Possible its some error where a < is put in place of a > or something similar, but whatever it is, any help would be really appreciated.


It actualy works for me. I changed nothing of your insert_data function and it works.
I did guess on what to put in the data and map array, but this was my output:

gold 1 1
pit 0 3
exit 4 0
Could this be right? there was no 'W' in my map array. I filled it from 'A' to 'T'. So that explains why wumpus isn't in the file

Here is the complete code I used to test it:

#include <stdio.h>

FILE * insert_data( FILE * filePtr, char toFind, char word[], char **map, int * data) ;

int main()
FILE* outFilePtr;
int data[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0};//initialize data with 0
char **map;
int i,j;
int num_rows=4;//the max rows for the map array
int num_cols=5;//the max cols for the map array

map = new char*[num_rows];//allocata memory for the rows
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_rows; i++ ) map[i] = new char[num_cols];//allocate memory for the cols

map[i][j]='A'+((i*5)+j);//fill the map array with the first 20 chars of the alfabet
printf("%c",map[i][j]);//display them on screen

data[6]=num_rows;//I have no idea what the data array should be holding
data[5]=num_cols;//I assume it is info on the map array, like max rows and max cols
outFilePtr=fopen("test.txt","w+");//open the file test.txt for the output of the insert_data function

outFilePtr = insert_data( outFilePtr, 'W' , "wumpus", map, data );
outFilePtr = insert_data(outFilePtr, 'G' , "gold", map, data);
outFilePtr = insert_data(outFilePtr, 'P' , "pit", map, data);
outFilePtr = insert_data(outFilePtr, 'E' , "exit", map, data);

for ( i = 0 ; i < num_rows ; i++ ) delete map[i];//remove the map array from memory
delete map;

fclose(outFilePtr);//close the test.txt file

return 0;

//Haven't changed anything here
FILE * insert_data( FILE * filePtr, char toFind, char word[], char ** map, int * data)
int c=0, d=0;
char line[25];
int row = data[5];
int col = data[6];

while( c < col ) {
while ( d < row ) {
if( map[c][d] == toFind ) {
sprintf( line,"%s %d %d\n", word , d, c);
fputs(line, filePtr);

return filePtr;

hmmm i should have really said this, but as I'm just learning C now, i don't know much about C++ (as i see you used new/delete and im not sure what they do, maybe malloc and free?).
I dont know if that makes a difference but anyway...

i have found out that the error is in the if statement in insert_data, (when i /* */ quote it out it runs fine), so can anyone see a problem with anything inside the if statement?

oh and on a bit of a different note, how do u make that 'code' quote with the 2 separators show up in your msg?


yeah new and delete are the equivalent (sp?) of malloc() and free()

Personaly, I can't see anything wrong with your if statement. but then again, I'm no C/C++ guru.
Are you sure you allocate the memory for your map array right?
Because when you go out of the scope of your array, that can give errors

>>oh and on a bit of a different note, how do u make that 'code' quote with the 2 separators show up in your msg?
It is the same as the quote tags, but you put them between

thanks for the help

but the problem was in my main function,

for some reason i 'free' 'd the 2d array before i had finished using it.

but problem solved now.


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