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Category: Computer Programming
writing own parser

i was wandering if someone could tell me wher i could learn how to make my own parser for the web (like PHP or perl). i dont really have any particular reason for doing this i was just interested. any ideas?

You can start by making simple little scripting languages,search for Yacc with google for more info.Or you could make a mathematical expression parser.


There is also bison, GNU's version of yacc.


Just an idea (if you were planning on writing it yourself) you could model it after windows(i.e. message handling). You use the parser function to parse, then it has a set of events you want to handle. When the parser identifies an event (maybe a closed parenthesis after an open one), it fires the event, which may/may not change the position of the pointer you're parsing with, or it might call a new one. Like I said, just an idea.

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