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Category: vBulletin 3.0 Full Releases
Custom Template Adder Script

This is really something to help modders to add custom templates more easily in their releases.

Description: This script lets you specify which styles you want to add custom templates to. It also shows if a style has custom templates with the same names, and lets you overwrite them. You can also see the template codes you are about to add by clicking on the names.

Instructions: Edit in customtemplates.php:
$mod_name - your mod name
$script_file - the file name, if you modify it, without ".php"
$template array - each custom template you wanna add, beginning at index 1, as an associative array with 'title' and 'template' as key/values.

$template[1]['title'] = 'custom_template_example';
$template[1]['template'] = 'Dream\'s custom template "example".';

Demo: upload customtemplates.php to your admin cp folder, and call it from a browser.

I hope you find some use for this, modify at your heart's content. Included is a script to add v3 Arcade's custom templates, the reason why I made this in the first place.


cool hack:)

nice idea!

i just hope there will be some user input on overwriting custom templates, cause i often mod those myself a bit. Would hate it if a newer version would overwrite my custom templates

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