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Category: vBulletin 3.0 Beta Releases
No New post in old thread

I tray to find a good sloution for this problem.
I have problem, some member add new post in old thread and other think this is new thread and add new posts also. The problem is some threads are old news and can't have new post because other think this is a new news.

what I want was to insert the post in "post moderation queue" if there are 10 days (for example) between this post and the last post in the thread.

I think there are no hacks for this problem, so I tray to make some modifications. I test it in test forum and I want to make sure if it is correct?

in \includes\functions_newpost.php
befor : "// ### DUPE CHECK ###"
add :
##################added by Mansour##################
if ($type == 'reply'){
$lastpostdate = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT dateline FROM `post` WHERE threadid = $threadinfo[threadid] and visible=1 ORDER BY `dateline` DESC LIMIT 0, 1");
if(TIMENOW > $lastpostdate['dateline'] + 86400){
$post['visible'] = 0;
##################added by Mansour##################

86400 = 10 day

Please tell me if ther any wrong

Thanks :)

well it's correct, but not needed to run an extra query

##################added by Mansour##################
if ($type == 'reply'){
if(TIMENOW > $threadinfo['lastpost'] + 86400){
$post['visible'] = 0;
##################added by Mansour##################

Thanks Xenon
It is work :)

you're welcome

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