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Category: vBgarage
How to uninstall Vbgarage

I kinda screwed up my database trying to manually remove it and re-install it. I read in another post that someone found the uninstall script. Is there one?

I kinda screwed up my database trying to manually remove it and re-install it. I read in another post that someone found the uninstall script. Is there one?

I don't know of an uninstall, but I may be able to make one.

You have to delete...

and upload original vB files

I managed to get it all by prying through the database with telnet. Its good now!

I managed to get it all by prying through the database with telnet. Its good now!

Glad to hear it. I've been out on the bike and I'm drinking now. I'll be no help.


Is there a list of what has to be deleted/updated?

I want to remove it, update my VBB, redesign the site, maybe think about other hacks.

Yes please make an un install script, and instructions cause I screwed up my install.... and would like to do a clean install :)

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