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Category: vBindex

I tried to install VBindex and everything looked okay but when I try to access it I get the following error

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in d:\Inetpub\forums\vbindex.php on line 144

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: d:\Inetpub\forums\vbindex.php
Line: 144

Any idea why this is happening?

chdir has to be set to your forum directory - Make sure that it is in this format:



chdir has to be set to your forum directory - Make sure that it is in this format:



It worked, now I am having a different problem. The posting icons are coming up as red x's on the portal. Since I tried doing this install days ago I forgot the format for the vbiconfig. What is the format for entering the path? When I check the properties fof the image from the main page I get this

As you can see it is adding the site url and the image url together

You should change the images to a relative path, i.e. /forums/images not


You should change the images to a relative path, i.e. /forums/images not


Sorry but which file do I edit? I am new at this

It wouldn't be a file edit, its in the admin cp.

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